健康 & 安全


GG电子官方软件下载 College is responsible For furnishing its employees a safe place of employment, 无危险, 引起的或可能引起的, 伤害或严重的身体伤害. For了学生的安全, 教师, 工作人员, 和客人, GG电子官方软件下载 will exercise its right to prohibit firearms on campus, 包括在所有公共场合. Each employee has an obligation to comply with all safety and health standards, 规则, regulations or orders issued by the College as well as those of the Federal Occupational 安全 and 健康 Act. 被判定For不安全的工作条件应立即由员工报告给他或她的主管或部门主管, the supervisor then is responsible For 报告ing the problem to the director of facilities For evaluation and, 如果需要, 纠正措施. Detailed provisions of the Act are available in the Facilities Management Office.

请参阅有关 残疾人通道和便利设施.



我们员工的健康和安全以及履行我们提供和维护一个没有已知危险的工作场所的义务是至关重要的. 相应的, we are adopting this policy to safeguard the health of our employees; students; and the community at large from infectious diseases, 例如COVID-19和流感, 这可以通过接种疫苗来减少.

本政策将遵守所有适用的法律,并以疾病控制和预防中心的指导For基础, Minnesota Department of 健康 and local health authorities, 是适用的.





在适用的疫苗接种截止日期之前, all employees must either (a) establish that they have received all recommended doses of the designated vaccine(s) and the recommended delay period has passed; or (b) obtain an approved exemption as an accommodation. The process For seeking an accommodation is explained below.

Employees will be required to provide documentation to establish that they have received the required vaccination(s), which could include a copy of a vaccination card or other verification from an authorized health care provider.  Employees should not include any medical or genetic inFormation when presenting proof of vaccination.

只要有可能, GG电子官方软件下载将通过在校园内提供免疫接种或确定员工可以接种疫苗的地点来帮助员工. Vaccinations should be run through employees’ health insurance where applicable. 雇员可以申请报销未由学院提供或不在健康保险范围内的疫苗接种费用.

Employees will be paid For reasonable time taken to receive vaccinations. 在校外接种疫苗, employees are to work with their supervisor to schedule appropriate time to comply with this policy.


Employees in need of an exemption from this policy due to a medical reason, or because of a sincerely held religious belief, 必须提交一份完整的 住宿申请表格 and supporting documentation to Human Resources at least two weeks prior to the vaccination deadline. 我们鼓励员工在疫苗接种截止日期宣布后尽快开始互动住宿过程. Although GG电子官方软件下载 College encourages employees to suggest specific reasonable accommodations, 学院不需要提供特定的住宿要求,并可能提供其他有效的住宿, 在不给学院带来不必要的困难或对员工或工作场所其他人构成直接威胁的情况下,提供合理的便利.

GG电子官方软件下载根据具体情况,考虑各种因素,并根据每种情况的个性化评估,对所要求的住宿和豁免做出决定. GG电子官方软件下载努力以公平和非歧视的方式迅速做出这些决定,并在做出决定后通知员工. Employees should contact Human Resources with any questions about accommodation or exemption requests.

根据本政策获得住宿或豁免的员工可能需要使用额外的个人防护装备, submit to regular PCR testing as provided by GG电子官方软件下载 College, or take other actions as directed to mitigate risk to 教师, 工作人员, 和学生,只要他们在校园里.


《GG电子官方软件下载》(GINA)禁止雇主和其他受GINA第二章保护的实体要求或要求提供个人或个人家庭成员的遗传信息, 除非本法律特别允许. 遵守这条法律, GG电子官方软件下载要求员工在回应任何根据本政策提供信息的要求时,不要提供任何遗传信息.

“Genetic inFormation,” as defined by GINA, includes:

  • 个人的家族病史.
  • The results of an individual’s or family member’s genetic tests.
  • The fact that an individual or an individual’s family member sought or received genetic services.
  • 个人或其家庭成员携带的胎儿的遗传信息,或者接受辅助生殖服务的个人或其家庭成员合法持有的胚胎的遗传信息.


随着新信息的出现,有关COVID-19和COVID-19疫苗的政府和公共卫生指南和限制以及企业和行业最佳做法正在迅速发生变化, 进一步的研究正在进行, additional vaccines are approved and distributed. GG电子官方软件下载保留在任何时候自行决定修改此政策的权利,以适应不断变化的环境和业务需求, consistent with its commitment to maintaining a safe and healthy workplace.


Employees not in compliance with this policy are unable to work and, 像这样, 是自愿辞职吗. 在某些情况下, 员工可以要求自愿离职, 无薪休假,直到他们达到要求. 休假期间, 员工将遵守GG电子官方软件下载的标准休假政策,休假时间将根据运营可行性而定. Although we will attempt to return employees to a similar position, GG电子官方软件下载 is unable to guarantee a position will be available.

GG电子官方软件下载 College prohibits any Form of discipline, 报复, 恐吓, or retaliation For 报告ing a violation of this Policy or any other health and safety concern. Employees also have the right to 报告 work-related injuries and illnesses, GG电子官方软件下载不会解雇或歧视或以其他方式报复报告工伤或疾病或善意的健康和安全问题的员工.




  1. Effective August 1, 2021, all employees will be required to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19. 员工可选择世界卫生组织批准的任何COVID-19疫苗,并需提交疫苗接种证明. Employees are considered fully vaccinated 14 days after the final dose of the vaccination series.
  2. 2021年10月生效, all employees working between October – April will be required to be vaccinated against seasonal influenza. 员工可以接受任何fda批准的, 许可, 适龄流感疫苗, RIV4, or LAIV4) with no preference For any one vaccine over another. 这包括流感疫苗和雾剂.
  3. 1月21日生效, 2022, 所有员工都必须在完成辉瑞或Moderna的首次接种系列疫苗6个月后接受COVID-19疫苗的加强剂量, 或者在接受约翰逊手术2个月后 & 约翰逊疫苗接种. 员工必须得到和 报告 their booster dose within 14 days of reaching eligibility.
  4. 12月1日生效, 2022, all employees are required to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19; GG电子官方软件下载’s definition of being “fully vaccinated” will align with the CDC’s definition: You are fully vaccinated when you have received all doses in the primary series and all boosters For which you are 符合条件的. 资格的详细信息 可以在疾病控制中心网站上找到. Employees are required to become fully vaccinated within 14 days of reaching eligibility.
  5. Effective June 5, 2023, there are no vaccination requirements For employees.


GG电子官方软件下载 College Infectious Disease Control Policy

The College will take proactive steps to protect the workplace in the event of an infectious disease outbreak. 在任何这样的时期,我们的目标是努力有效地运作,确保持续提供所有基本服务,并确保教师, 教职工和学生都很安全.

传染病小组 will monitor events and share counsel concerning an infectious disease outbreak.

College leadership may add new relevant policies, practices or guidelines or modify existing ones as needed in response to an outbreak. Specific instructions and requirements may be issued on topics such as:

  • 卫生
  • 生病呆在家里
  • Requests For Medical InFormation and/or Documentation
    If an employee shows symptoms of being ill or has been exposed to an infectious disease, 我们可以要求医疗保健提供者提供信息,说明缺勤是否与感染有关,以及何时适合重返工作岗位.
  • 医疗信息保密
    Medical inFormation will be treated as a confidential medical record. We will limit the disclosure of medical inFormation to supervisors, 经理, 急救和安全人员, 以及法律要求的政府官员.
  • 限制旅游
  • 远程工作
  • 社会距离


: 教师, 工作人员

