Psychology at Carleton provides a systematic approach to the study of behavior and experience. We examine processes of physiological functioning, human and animal learning, human and animal cognition, cognitive and social development, personality, social influence, and psychopathology, and treats particular topics (e.g., prejudice, real-life decision making, and psychopharmacology) that are representative of the diversity and complexity of psychology. We also strongly emphasize the development of analytic and expressive skills that are the basis of investigation, evaluation, and communication in the field.

Courses in the department cover three general areas:

  • Biological and behavioral processes
  • Cognitive studies
  • Social, developmental, personality, and clinical psychology

Psychology comps involves a topical seminar and conducting a literature review to answer a novel question. Many majors participate in faculty research labs and our lab courses allow students to work with a variety of human and animal subjects. Department offices are located in Olin Hall 109-137, while teaching labs are located on the first floor of Olin Hall and the basement of Olin Hall, and in the basement of Hulings Hall for biological psychology courses only.