Failure to Receive Approved Accommodations

If a student does not receive an accommodation approved in the Accommodation Letter, the student should immediately notify the Director of the Office of Accessibility Resources. However, it is essential that students advise the Office of Accessibility Resources of the courses in which they have enrolled so that the Office of Accessibility Resources can advise the faculty teaching the course of approved accommodations. Students should also advise the Office of Accessibility Resources of non-academic personnel, such as staff involved in housing or extra-curricular activities, who should be advised of approved accommodations.

Retaliation Prohibited

Carleton College prohibits any form of retaliation against a student for requesting or receiving an academic adjustment or auxiliary aid or service. Any employee or student who commits such retaliation will be subject to discipline, up to and including termination of employment or expulsion. A student who suffers retaliation in violation of this policy should promptly report the violation as provided in the College Statement of Non-Discrimination.

Appeals Process

If a student would like to address concerns about the Office of Accessibility Resources, they can follow the process outlined below. The appeals must be made in writing within 30 days of the student’s receipt of notification of the accommodation(s) determination.

  1. Discuss concerns directly with the Office of Accessibility Resources staff if possible. Staff can be reached by emailing
  2. If concerns persist, students may submit a grievance form which will be reviewed by the members of the Disability Grievance Review Board: Sindy Fleming, Associate Dean of Students, Yansi Pérez, Associate Provost, and Gerald Young, Athletic Director and Title IX Deputy for Athletics.
  3. If a student believes they have been discriminated against because of disability and is not in agreement with the response from the Disability Grievance Review Board, the student is directed to contact Carolyn Livingston, Vice President for Student Life and Dean of Students, ADA Coordinator 507-222-4248 ( The appeal must be made in writing within 5 days of the student’s receipt of notification of the response from the Disability Grievance Review Board.

Students retain the right to file a complaint with the Office of Civil Rights if they believe they have been discriminated against on the basis of disability regardless of whether or not they have utilized the internal grievance procedures for Carleton College.